We often encounter people who say they are not having children or are done having children and do not see the need to complete a reproductive life plan; they have no intentions of having any or more children. So what is the benefit of completing a RepLI and mapping out their reproductive life goals?
For me, I have used RepLI as a roadmap on my reproductive life journey. When I was younger, I did not think too much about having children. Sure, I liked the idea and figured it would most likely happen in “the future”, but it was not something I had planned out. Thinking about that statement now, that isn't necessarily true, as I felt like I have spent most of my reproductive years trying to not get pregnant. While I may not have known it then, I did have somewhat of an idea of a reproductive life plan. I knew I had other goals in mind before I wanted to have children and in order to achieve those goals, I needed a reliable method of contraception.

Throughout college and in to my early 20s, I used oral contraceptive pills, which I rather enjoyed. I was a decent pill taker and did not have issues remembering to take it daily. But when I was 25, my pill-taking days came to an end when I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolisms and a deep vein thrombosis in my pelvis. On top of dealing with these new and serious health issues, I was also left completely vulnerable and at risk for an unintended pregnancy. I was in my last year of graduate school and knew I wasn't ready to have kids so I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist to determine a new and acceptable contraceptive method. We decided on a IUD, a progestin-only levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device, that would protect me against unintended pregnancy for up to 5 years.
As I started to achieve my life goals, my reproductive goals changed along the way. Once I made the decision that I wanted to have a baby, I set a pretty short window for which I wanted to achieve that goal. I had my IUD removed exactly 5 years after I had it inserted. My fertility returned quickly after removal and I was pregnant within a few months. When it came time to discuss postpartum contraception, it was a no brainer for me that I would want to get another IUD placed after delivery. By childbearing status, I fall within the "I'm Done" category. I wanted one child and I have one child, with no intentions of wanting/having more. However, reproductively speaking, I fall within the "I'm In It" category. At 34, I still have some time before I will reach menopause, putting me a risk for an unintended pregnancy. I opted for another hormonal IUD and had it placed at my postpartum visit. With recent updates to the indication, my current IUD is now good for up to 8 years of protection against unintended pregnancy.
RepLI empowered me to design my reproductive life journey. I was able to navigate my life goals while finding the best form of contraception for me. I was able to determine my ideal childbearing window and when I wanted to have a baby. I was able to visualize my journey and achieve my goal. And now RepLI helps me connect with others to share my story and support others on their own journeys.
To apply for the DHA nursing exam in Dubai, start by creating an account on the DHA Sheryan portal and completing your online application. Submit the required documents, including your educational certificates, professional license, and proof of work experience. Pay the applicable fees and wait for your application to be reviewed. Once approved, you'll receive an eligibility email with further instructions. Use this to schedule your computer-based test at an authorized testing center. Make sure to prepare thoroughly using available study materials. On the exam day, bring valid identification and required documents. Passing the exam will pave the way for obtaining your DHA license, allowing you to practice as a nurse in Dubai.
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